Today I will be highlighting two short stories.
One of them is a prequel to a longer series and the other one is a graphic novel.
Let's dive right in!
Title: A Search For Bliss: A Prequel to The Anistemi
Author: Charles Franklin
Pages: 18
I really liked this book and have nothing that I see as a con in this book, I only found pro's!
You drop right into the story when there is a funeral going on. You're actually dropped right into the raw emotions and that had me involved in the story right away.
I loved the amount of action. The fights were so detailed and I was able to picture it very clearly and to follow the fight in detail. A lot of books don't describe it so detailed and then it's harder to follow the fights.
I got really excited to read the first book in this series, because this prequel was awesome!

Title: Plagued: The Devil Did It
Author: Shakil Somani
Pages: 53
One of the most important things in a graphic novel are the illustrations. In this book I loved the illustrations. There were beautiful drawings in this book.
The conversations were sometimes a bit hard to follow, but also because big parts of the book were hallucinations and did not make any sense. English is not my mother tongue, so that was a bit hard for me. I had some trouble following the story at some point.
What I did love about the book was the humor. Even the final page had that nice amount of humor in it and I could appreciate that.

Both these books were enjoyable to read!
Did you read any good short stories or graphic novels lately?

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~ Esther