Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by again.
I'm going to try and do this regularly.
I chose 8 new questions to answer about me, so you can get to know the person behind the blog.
If you have questions for next time, leave them in the comments!!
Thanks for reading and have a nice day 💛
- What is your favorite perfume?I like sweet sentences a lot. Bruno Banani, Jimmy Choo with Flash or Britney Spears are very nice. There is one perfume that totally fits me. There is a funny story behind this one; I got a sample for a perfume once and I put it on. I LOVE to bake, and this perfume has all kinds of vanilla extracts in it, so my boyfriend said: "You smell like the stuff you bake, this fits you." I was like; YES! This is my new favorite one so I bought it. It's called Want from Dsquared.
- What sports do you play/have you played?I've been playing handball for 14 years with swimming and running next to it. I quit next year and went to the gym with running next to it as well, but I quit the gym. I got back problems from the machines and I'm planning on picking up handball again after summer break! I miss it so much!!(It's me in green on the photo.)

- What is your favorite movie?It's like asking my favorite book, but I didn't want to do that to myself. Movies I can do.. I was asked this question a couple of days ago as well and I noticed that I really like Disney movies! I really like Brother Bear, Beauty and the Beast, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and Pirates of the Caribbean. Paranormal Activity was pretty creepy as well, but only the first movie. I slept with the lights on for 3 months after that... And I totally love Silent Hill, watched that one maybe 80 times already! (I like to exaggerate).
- What is your favorite restaurant?I'm a pretty big sushi fan. I love it so much. I try to eat it once a month and totally fell in love with it when I was in Chicago. Fortunately I have friends who also LOVE sushi, so we can share this passion pretty often. Yay!
- What do you do for a living?I'm a fulltime teacher, usually 40 hours as week. I'm teaching group 4 and 5 in The Netherlands. That would be 2nd and 3rd grade in the American School System. I have 29 kids in my classroom right now and in The Netherlands you teach them all the subjects they need all year long. The kids in my classroom get the following subjects: Maths, Handwriting, Grammar, Gymnastics, Reading, Dutch (speaking and writing), Technical Reading, Geography, Biology, History, Music, Drama, Drawing and Arts. I also teach them about the Catholic believes, traffic and speaking for a group of people.
- What are your hobbies?I like working out, but I'm lazy as F... So usually I tell myself to work out and don't do it. I had so much more fun playing handball, so I really want to play again! I like to bake, especially a nice warm pie in winter, but also cupcakes and cookies. Traveling is my one big passion. Exploring and finding beautiful places is great! And reading of course.. I also like to go out, go out as in; Do fun things with people. Go to a movie, theater, restaurant, a park or something like that.(This is a picture of me camping in Sweden).

- What are some of your favorite TV-shows?I've watched EVERYTHING from Desperate Housewives, 24 and Sons of Anarchy, so sad those series ended. Definitely not gonna watch the 24 spin-off, by the way. Gonna miss Jack Bauer too much! I LOVE Grey's Anatomy and Game of Thrones. The Walking Dead is a series I like as well. Broadchurch is great too!! Vikings is a series I also follow pretty active as well as Suits. Can you keep up?
- What is your favorite holiday?CHRISTMAS!! I love it so much. I would love it if every day was Christmas!
And the book I'm about to pick up..
Detective Helen Grace has never seen such destruction. Six fires in twenty-four hours. Two people dead. Several more injured. It's as if someone wants to burn the city to the ground...
With the whole town on high alert, Helen and her team must sift through the rubble to find the arsonist, someone whose thirst for fire - and control - is reducing entire lives to ashes.
One misstep could mean Helen's career - and more lives lost. And as the pressure mounts and more buildings burn, Helen's own dark impulses threaten to consume her...
Do you have a question for me to answer in the next Get To Know Me Tag?
Leave it in the comments!