Final post of the year!
This actually wasn't that good of a reading month for me.
The scores weren't that high and not one book was a favorite, sadly.
I'm currently reading Winter and also plan to re-read Illuminae, so high ratings will be there to come.
Also; I'm planning to do a very special, very cool Giveaway for a paperback. So make sure you check back this week!
2017 was great. I love to blog and have met so many sweet fellow bloggers and authors.
I feel blessed.
I wish you all lots of love and happiness for 2018 and thanks to all of you who read my posts and who follow my blog. Hope to see you in 2018!

(either from Celebrate Books, friends, authors, giveaways or self-bought)

Did you read any of the books above?
And what book are you excited for, next month?
Let me know what you think!