Welcome, welcome!
Thanks for stopping by to read my March Wrap up.
Time is going by so fast! I had a pretty good reading month. I have been reading some long books, so page wise I did pretty good.
I'm slowly reading through my TBR-pile, it could go faster, but I also want to read books that I want to read, instead of only doing requested reviews.
There is a Giveaway to be held on my blog on April 8th for Petra Landon's new book that I reviewed this month.
Hope to see you back by then, because I will be giving away 1 signed paperback copy and 2 ebooks!
Have a great month.
I'm going to enjoy the Spring weather over here, I hope you do get a lot of sun as well. ☀

(either from Celebrate Books, friends, authors, giveaways or self-bought)

Did you read any of the books above?
And what are you excited for, next month?!
Let me know what you think!