
Sunday, April 8, 2018

GIVEAWAY: Signed Copy - The Rainmaker

Welcome, welcome.

I'm so glad to tell you that I'm hosting another giveaway! Just recently I reviewed Petra Landons book The Rainmaker and it was AMAZING. It's the second book in the Saga of the Chosen series. 

Petra and I have a little tradition where she allows me do a giveaway for the book that I reviewed. We will be giving away a signed physical copy for The Rainmaker.

The giveaway is open worldwide, so read this post to get all your necessary information!

I've also done a review for the first book in the Saga of the Chosen series. You can find the review for The Prophecy here.

I want to use this moment to thank Patra Landon for staying in contact with me. I'm so happy and grateful to read your books. I love that we share our thoughts through email and that you allow me to giveaway a signed copy for your book!

With all that said and done....

Make sure to provide me/us with all the necessary information in this Giveaway. Only valid entries are able to win, so if a name, nickname or email address is asked, make sure to fill in the question box!
Also know: We're not able to see this information! You're safe to fill in the blanks.
Information only shows for the winner after the giveaway has ended.

Good luck!

GIVEAWAY - Signed Copy - The Rainmaker


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Leave a comment, I love to discuss books and anything else!

~ Esther