I do hope to make your day a bit better, by offering this Giveaway for a signed paperback of The Starfarer by Petra Landon.
I have been reading all her books and I loved them all. The Starfarer is actually a #2 book in a series, but you can easily read it without reading book 1 first. You could just read book 2 and afterwards read book 1.
This giveaway is open worldwide, so read this post to get all your necessary information!
I want to take this opportunity to thank Petra Landon for our weekly mailcontact, where we check up on each other and share our love for books and traveling. I do hope a wider public will read her books, every time I post a review.
Make sure to provide me/us with all the necessary information in this Giveaway. Only valid entries are able to win, so if a name, nickname or email address is asked, make sure to fill in the question box!
We're not able to see the information. You're safe to fill in the blanks.
Information only shows for the winner after the giveaway has ended.
And as always; Goodluck!

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~ Esther