Started reading: September 3rd 2019
Finished the book: September 18th 2019
Pages: 289
Genres: Romance, Fiction
Published: July 1st 2013
Source: Kindle Copy
Goodreads score: 3.77
My score:

Rachel’s life is perfect. A handsome boyfriend, great friends and the prospect of starting at university in a few weeks means she’s never been happier. But in a single heartbeat her world falls apart forever.
Five years later, Rachel is still struggling to come to terms with the tragedy that changed everything. Returning to her hometown for the first time in years, she finds herself consumed by thoughts of the life that could have been. But when a sudden fall lands her in hospital, Rachel awakes to discover that the life she had dreamed about just might be real after all.
Five years later, Rachel is still struggling to come to terms with the tragedy that changed everything. Returning to her hometown for the first time in years, she finds herself consumed by thoughts of the life that could have been. But when a sudden fall lands her in hospital, Rachel awakes to discover that the life she had dreamed about just might be real after all.
My thoughts
Thanks to Marieke for doing this buddyread with me. I'm currently reading a lot of Fantasy and this book was a nice change of genre. The book felt mysterious in a way, because both me and my buddy did not know what had happened and how everything that was going on in the story could be explained. I was shocked by the ending and the ending definitely added the fourth star to the final rating.
- Easy to read: The way this book was written was so easy to read. I could get through without struggling to understand what was happening and that made me rush through. I loved the feeling of turning page after page. The story didn't feel garish with all kinds of unnecessary words. It felt raw, real and the writing style fitted the story.
- Lots of questions: I had so many questions and so did my buddy. I'm sure we both didn't guess what was going on in this book. It was such an original way of writing a mysterious story. You actually have two storylines next to each other and that was unique in every way. Especially in a romance book.
- Ending: The ending was one I did not see coming. It was so real, raw and actually left me a bit fractured. It was beautiful and sad at the same time and it fitted the book and story. I think I did shed a tear at the ending of this book...
- Main character: The main character felt very young, at the beginning of the book she was just wallowing in self pity. Later on in the story she did not see all the obvious things and it just didn't fit the book and the mature theme it had.
- Obvious: Some plot twists were easy to guess for the reader. The fact that the main character did not see it coming, was all the more annoying to me.
One of the most unique romance books I've read in awhile. I was wondering what was going on all the time and I did not guess is. The story is so raw and real and especially the ending was so well written. The writing style made sure I could rush through and had no trouble to understand what was going on.
I teared up a little bit at the end and the ending was definitely the reason I gave the book 4 stars.

Other opinions on this book
"I was captivated the entire time and then completely blown away, left reeling afterward."
- Chick Lit Central
"As I turned the last page I found myself broken as it was time to say goodbye to a book that warmed my heart and intrigued my mind."
- The Love of a Good Book
Memorable quotes from this book
"The grief was so deeply etched into her face that I realised no new emotion was ever going to be powerful enough to erase it."
"There was nothing to fear from a ghost when they were someone you loved."
Thanks for reading!
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