
Friday, November 8, 2019

Blog Tour / Review: Things That Art

Author: Lochlann Jain
Pages: 128
Genres: Graphic Novel, Art
Published: October 3rd 2019
Source: Physical copy from publisher

Lochlann Jain's debut non-fiction graphic novel, Things That Art, playfully interrogates the order of things. Toying with the relationship between words and images, Jain's whimsical compositions may seem straightforward. Upon closer inspection, however, the drawings reveal profound and startling paradoxes at the heart of how we make sense of the world.

Today I'm participating in the Blog Tour for the book Things That Art.

I received a physical review-copy from the Publisher and was so curious about this book.

What I want to say first of all is that this book made me laugh out loud. Some of the things in this book were so funny and really spoke to me. I think the book would be even more fun if English was your native language. My English vocabulary wasn't big enough to get all of the drawings and all the meaning behind it. 

What I also liked about this book is that it reminded me so much of everyday life. Most of the things are easy to recognize and it's even better when you get that feeling of "getting it". 

The author of this book doesn't mince his words and I just LOVE IT. Sometimes, especially in big discussions, people can come across as narrow-minded. That's not my type of style at all. I'm a person that just says everything, which isn't always the best choice, but it's who I am. I also felt that the author just blurted out everything he thought of in a small drawing. Sometimes it's a bit shocking, but that's just what I like.

This book is lovely to just look through. You can easily put it away and look through it again in a couple of weeks. The pictures are easy to look at and I could look for minutes at some of the pages and just ponder on everything that was on it.

This book contained a page by a 9 year old, and that gave me inspiration for fun things to do in my classroom! It gave me educational ideas on how to play with language and words.

A fun book, for people that like to be shocked, are drawn in by pictures and for people that like to ponder on language use and the message behind it.


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~ Esther