Welcome, welcome my dear readers.
Welcome to the blog.
The first month of this new year is over already. Time is flying, when you're having fun, you know...
I'm actually not that sad that January is over, because I'm so READY for Spring! Winter in The Netherlands is just rain and storm... I can't wait for the sun to shine more than 2 hours a week and for it to be light outside when my alarm clock blares me awake at 6.30 AM.
It's pretty busy at school, because my 6th Graders will leave Primary School after July and that's a lot of work. Taking tests, decide what level they continue on and having conversations with all the parents. We're also on strike today and tomorrow, because in The Netherlands the classes are too full and there are just not enough teachers.
I can't wait for it to be vacation, that's two more weeks, so we can all rest and recharge!
I had a great reading month and I expect February to be nothing less. I'm doing loads of buddy reads this month and I'm excited for the books that I have scheduled!
I hope you're having a great month!

Click the book to see the review


Did you read any of the books in this post?
I'd love to discuss books, so please share your thoughts!

I hope you enjoy Eclipse! It is my favourite out of the Twilight series.