Welcome, Welcome dear readers.
Welcome to the blog!
I'm sorry for going AWOL the last few weeks. Life has been BUSY! Fun, but busy. I had to work more, because one of the teachers at my school is sick, and this is going to take longer, so I'll be working 5 days a week the next couple of weeks. I also played in 3 handball teams, since 2 teams needed substitutes. It was a lot of fun, but instead of reading the evenings, I was playing handball. Then I went away for a weekend trip two weekends in a row; to Bottrop and Paris!
So now you know where I've been!
I have a week vacation now, so I plan to catch up with all of you guys. I can't wait to read your comments and to read your blogs and comment over there as well.
I have been reading, but did not finish a book yet. I'm currently reading 4 books and all are round 60%-80% done. So prepare for some reviews next week.
For today I'm doing the "I Want To ... But I Don't" Book Tag. Originally created by Jamishelves.
This tag is about books that you see a lot and books that are on your TBR, and you (maybe) want to read them, but for no specific reason you did NOT read them yet... Ya get me?
Let's dive right in!

A book that you feel you need to read because everyone talks about it
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
I really feel like I HAVE to read the book, because since it's been published, everyone is talking about it. The book itself doesn't really make me that excited. It's not a genre that I pick up a lot and I'm also a bit scared of all the comments when it turns out I don't like the book...
A book that's really long
The Elven by Bernhard Hennen
This book is pretty long; 790 pages. I'm so curious about this book and the series, but the length keeps me away from it. The series itself contains 5 books and I really feel like I should finish some other series that I'm in the middle of first. I do hope to get to this book one day!
A book you've owned / had on your TBR for too long
Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper
I've bought this book in 2013, when I was in Chicago for my internship. My mentor told me that I HAD to read this book, so I bought it. It's on my shelves ever since and I want to read it so bad but just never put it on my TBR. It's really weird how that happens. Going to put it somewhere on my TBR for the next six months, I'm way too curious!
A book that is 'required' reading (school text, popular classic)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I want to read this so bad, it's really a MUST READ in my opinion. It's kinda like with the above book, I just never put it on my TBR. I knew about this book for a long time and bought it at a secondhand book sale two years ago. It's been on my shelves ever since. I do hope to get to this book soon. Maybe I'll throw it into a buddyread one day.
A book that intimidates you
War Storm by Victoria Aveyard
I've read King's Cage two years ago and have been postponing to read this one since it fell on my doormat. It's LONG, it's the ENDING, it has so many mixed reviews. It just SCARES me. But I know it's coming. I have to just do it, because this one is on my TBR and I plan to read it in the next six months...
A book that you think might be slow
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
I found the movie to be pretty slow... So what's the book going to be like? I feel, again, that this is a MUST read and it's been on my shelves longer than I can remember. I do hope to get to it one day, because whoever visits my house comments on this book 9 out of 10 times and they all liked it.
A book that you need to be in the right mood for
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover
I remember receiving this book in a Secret Santa Book Box. I was SO happy when I saw that this book was inside. I do feel like this is going to be a tearjerker and it's going to be heartbreaking. I don't read Romance or Contemporary that much, so picking this up is going to take some time for me. I don't want to read it in public spaces or while I'm carefree celebrating my vacation.
A book you're unsure about if you will like it
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
I'm not sure if I can ever read anything from J.K. Rowling out of the Harry Potter universe. This book doesn't get that many good ratings and reviews on Goodreads. My friends are all over the place from 5 stars to 1 star. It is on my TBR, but I just don't know. I'm not sure... On the other side I'm quite curious what else she can write!
That's it for today! Thanks so much for reading.
I'd love to see your list of books that you'd like to read, but don't.
Feel free to participate!

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~ Esther