Started reading: August 25th 2020
Finished the book: September 11th 2020
Pages: 252
Genres: Science Fiction, Action
Published: January 29th 2018
Source: Audiobook from the author
Goodreads score: 3.64
My score:

The story of the alien Rift invasion of the New Hope Colony begins on Earth in 2122 when all too familiar problems and events cause a chain reaction that will have repercussions on two worlds. Fleeing for their lives and to protect his family Navy, Lieutenant Paul “Rick” O'Brien and Marine Staff Sergeant Susan Mollison “Molly” Bennett will have to board a starship for the long voyage to Earth's first extrasolar colony under new identities. There they will join the Colonial Rangers, the international military force designed to protect the colonists from the planet’s ferocious predators, not to deter an alien invasion.
The female-loving Logistics officer O’Brien and superb marksman and the courageous Marine recon squad leader form an unbreakable bond forged under fire that will serve them well as events unfold around them. The circumstances that send them to the New Hope Colony will also have a profound effect on the other members of the O'Brien/Cassidy family and especially Rick's daughter Ciara as well as on the colony where they find refuge.
The female-loving Logistics officer O’Brien and superb marksman and the courageous Marine recon squad leader form an unbreakable bond forged under fire that will serve them well as events unfold around them. The circumstances that send them to the New Hope Colony will also have a profound effect on the other members of the O'Brien/Cassidy family and especially Rick's daughter Ciara as well as on the colony where they find refuge.
My thoughts
This book was nice to listen to while driving from and to work. What is the most memorable thing about this book, is that it has a big cast of characters and I was able to remember them all. I also liked the parts that contained action, it was explained in way that I could easily picture it in my head.
- Badass: The amount of badassery in this book is huge. I always love fierce women, badass women and women that are strong overall. The story was well written and easy to follow and contained a good amount of Fierce Girls.
- Characters: The characters were easy to keep apart, I could remember them all. I'm not sure if it's always a good thing to have a huge amount of characters, because they also all need different layers of depth. I loved the way people from other countries sounded different as well. I think voice acting is important in Audiobooks.
- Little tiny bit of Dutch: There was a little tiny bit of Dutch in this book and my heart always feels a happy if there is something Dutch in a book. I also loved how the last names fit the common Dutch last names.
- Needed more action: There was loads of action at the beginning of the book, but I felt like I missed some of that at the final chapters. The action scenes were written so well, that it made me ache for more. Maybe there could've been a bit more action in the final chapters as well.
- Not that natural: Some things in this book didn't feel natural to me at all and made me cringe a bit and that's the main reason I gave the book 3 stars. The things that didn't feel natural were, for example, how perfect all the characters are. I was wondering, do they have personality traits and little quirks that aren't that perfect as well? The book had loads of characters, but they didn't feel that real and I was looking for more depth. I was wondering if they had weaknesses and I was waiting for someone to make a mistake... I also had some issues with some of the conversations. It didn't feel all that human to me. "Adopting" a person, telling them you love them after a week, it just felt kinda weird...
A nice story about badass women and with loads of action that made me ache for more. I was happy with the little sparkle of Dutch this book had. I had some issues with the depth and conversations in this book, but it wasn't hard for me to finish the book at all.

Thanks for reading!
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