Started reading: December 6th 2020
Finished the book: December 14th 2020
Pages: 240
Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy
Published: June 17th 2015
Source: Physical copy from author
Goodreads score: 3.12
My score:

Rising Tide depicts a world in which land is at a premium due to the advancing sea, where man’s attempt to adapt has led to a decay of morals into survival of the fittest. In the midst of the ocean, a crew of racketeers rescues a stranded diver, Ben Adams. Is the rescue just a fortunate coincidence for Ben, or has he been led to this rendezvous with fate for a common goal? A mysterious island inhabited by a primitive yet advanced race of people. A devious ship captain’s metamorphosis into the essence of evil and a ship’s container discovered by itself in a billion square miles of ocean all play a role in this tale of rebirth for a world corrupted by the collapse of morality..
My thoughts
I was kinda scared when I read the reviews for this book on Goodreads, but I thought it was fairly easy to get through. Although I feel that this was not a great book, I'm not going to be rude like some people in their reviews. I will definitely give some feedback in this review. As you're used from me, I'll give you Pros as well as Cons. I just feel like this book needs much more work and a very critical editor.
- Pacing: The story is fast paced and as you can see I read it in just a week. A lot is going on and a lot is happening and I found myself easily reading 30 pages in a sitting.
- End: Towards the end of the book I understood where the story was going and I thought it was a nice and clever twist.
- World: I'd love to know more about the current state the world is in. I think the dystopian edge to the book is the strongest aspect. It could be used in so many more creative ways. It was interesting to read how the world was coping with all the water and I'd just love to read more about it.
- Characters: Ben and Eve have a really weird start of their connection in this book. They have barely spoken 3 sentences and are already hugging and kissing. Things are just really sudden with the characters in this book. Emotions are sudden and the harsh and brutal criminals in this book start to crying out of nowhere all the time. The addition of magic in this book is sudden. It's all just too much and the "single tear" every time just doesn't add anything for me.
- Too much: This book takes way too many directions. The world is swallowed by water, there is magic, a new civilization, a different society. I want this author to make up his mind and choose one direction and do it for the full 100% and really well. Instead of doing all kinds of things just a little bit.
This book and author doesn't deserve the way they are treated on Goodreads by some reviewers. Mr. Steigleder has spent time and poured his heart and imagination in this book and no one deserves to be treated the way some reviewers treat them. I've given this book 2 stars, because it was fairly easy to finish the book. I just didn't really enjoy it that much and I felt like it needed a lot of work.

Thanks for reading!
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