Welcome, welcome my dear readers.
Welcome to the blog.
YES! The weather over here in The Netherlands is so good. I just enjoy the day a lot more, whereas I enjoy the nights more in winter. I went outside with my class, for extra time in the fresh air and they just played and had fun.
Easter is coming up, that means a long weekend of freedom: 4 days! I did not plan anything and I'm just going to do whatever I like.
Sadly we're still in lockdown and nothing is open except for supermarkets, hairdressers and stuff like that. The other shops are closed, restaurants are closed and zoo's and theme parks are still closed. I'm sad about that because I just love going anywhere if the weather is good.
I am very happy about nail salons opening back up, because I kept joking that I looked like a vagrant with my raggedy nails. Now they're all beautiful and shiny again! It's the small things during these times that make me happy.
Stay safe.
Thanks for sticking with my blog and for reading!
Have a great month with loads of sunshine.

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~ Esther