Started reading: February 6th 2021
Finished the book: March 2nd 2021
Pages: 325
Genres: Romance, YA
Published: May 2nd 2017
Source: Bought the book
Goodreads score: 4.10
My score:

Lara Jean is having the best senior year. And there’s still so much to look forward to: a class trip to New York City, prom with her boyfriend Peter, Beach Week after graduation, and her dad’s wedding to Ms. Rothschild. Then she’ll be off to college with Peter, at a school close enough for her to come home and bake chocolate chip cookies on the weekends.Life couldn’t be more perfect!
At least, that’s what Lara Jean thinks... Until she gets some unexpected news. Now the girl who dreads change must rethink all her plans—but when your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?
At least, that’s what Lara Jean thinks... Until she gets some unexpected news. Now the girl who dreads change must rethink all her plans—but when your heart and your head are saying two different things, which one should you listen to?
My thoughts
I'm SO SAD! I have been enjoying this series a lot. It's always hard to say goodbye to some characters that you've grown to love. I think that this book was maybe my favorite one in the series. Lara Jean has really grown up and I just love how it's all wrapped up. I think that fans of the series needed this book to let Lara Jean go.
BTW: I totally stole the Bookish Map idea from Helen! Go check her out.
- References: I love all the different references in this book towards other books and movies I've loved. Like Roald Dahl, Harry Potter. Some music and the 90's. It was all really relatable, and if you're a Potter Head, you will enjoy the little things in this book that screamed Harry Potter.
- Kitty: Kitty is AMAZING. It's so much fun how she just does whatever she wants. She is ballsy and definitely has her own opinion. She's gown bigger too and that makes her even more fun.
- Lara Jean: First of all: Lara Jean was a bit annoying and a bit of a control-freak sometimes, but I still love her! She feels like a real person. I think that it's brilliantly written by Jenny Han. I'm truly going to miss her. She is so utterly and completely herself and doesn't change for anyone. I'm sure she's one of my favorite YA characters.
- Bookhangover: You know that feeling when you close a book with a little (or big) sigh? That was definitely how it was for me with this trilogy. It's really over now, but I'm sure I'll visit Lara Jean again in the future!
So sad to say goodbye to Lara Jean, Peter, Kitty, Margot, Chris and even Lara Jean's sweet, sweet father. If you've not read this trilogy, then I highly recommend it! I had a blast reading this final book and I'm glad that Jenny Han wrote it, because I feel like it's the perfect book to say goodbye.
I'm sure I'll visit again... *sigh*

Other opinions on this book
"Han's story is timeless. First love, finding one's identity in school and at home, and navigating the delicate transition from child to adult are all universal themes in young adult literature, and Han does a great job exploring them."
- VOYA, starred review
"Featuring the same endearing sister relationships, mouthwatering descriptions of Lara Jean's cooking, and timeless coming-of-age conflicts, this final volume in the series will continue to delight Han's fans."
- School Library Journal
Memorable quotes from this book
"Why does sighing feel so good?" I muse. Kitty heaves a big sigh. "Well, it's basically the same thing as breathing. And it feels good to breathe. Air is delicious."
Thanks for reading!
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