Today I will be highlighting two short stories.
Both of them are picture books!
Let's dive right in.
Author: O.Z. Red
Pages: 62
What spoke to me about this book right away, was the title. I was like: Adventure with a WORM?! Cool! So I decided to give this book a go.
I'm still not sure about the cover and the drawings. Sometimes I feel like they're a bit scary for young ones, and on the other hand, I feel like they're so artsy. The illustrations in this book are definitely like something I've never seen before.
Something that was a con for me was the story and the language. Maybe sometimes the author tried to hard to let it rhyme? The choice of words was a bit vague for me too and the story was hard to follow. I kept thinking, would a 7 year old understand this book?
I think the over all conclusion is just that it wasn't my cup of tea, and then I'm talking about the story. The drawings had me looking at them for ages, because they were so unique.
Author: Eileen Gillick
Pages: 65
This book is DEFINITELY not a children's book, let that be clear, haha. The book is humorous and has some filthy humor as well as some explicit drawings. I'm a person that loves dark and filthy humor, so I was excited the first few pages.
Sadly, the story just didn't grip me. I got bored after a time and I really don't want to sound rude, but that is how it is!
I do really feel like the drawings are fun and add a layer to the humor. I could look at the drawings for ages. Even though I didn't understand some illustrations, overall the story was clear.
Sadly, both books were a 2-star review for me. I always hate writing those.
How do you deal with it?

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~ Esther