With this final list I hope to recommend some awesome books that you maybe haven't read. Want to know why I loved the book so much? You can click the cover to go to the full review!
I hope you'll find some nice books to read next year. Have fun reading this list and have a great 2022!
#1: Out of my Mind b y Sharon M. Draper. A GREAT book that was recommended to me by Jodi, a teacher from Chicago. I'm so glad that I read it and I have also read it in class right after I finished it myself. I plan to read it in class this year too! A very powerful and beautiful story.
#2: Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas. I remember Queen of Shadows being on place #2 last year. I do feel like I've waited too long to read Empire of Storms, but I loved every second, every drop of it. And that ending... Holy shit.
#3: Billy Summers by Stephen King. This book was one hell of a ride. I came to love this main character and this story was nothing I had expected. I received it as a birthday present and I'm so glad that I started listening to this book right away, because with an ending like this, it will be on my fave list for a long time!
#4: Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han. I've read the first book a long time ago and decided that I'd love to read the whole trilogy and that's what I did! This final book was really good and I had a huge bookhangover after finishing it. In this book I was also very fond of Kitty.
#5: Morning Star by Pierce Brown. Sadly, this series was a buddy-read but my buddy didn't love the book as much as I did. I plan to read Iron Gold really soon, because I just love this series. This book was full of amazing plot twists, parts that made me cry and parts that made me laugh so hard. It's all I want in a book!
#6: The Anatomy of Desire by L.R. Dorn. I recommend reading this book as an audiobook. It's the most unique thing I've ever experienced. I do see a trend in my list, because this book also had a shocking ending to me and I seem to love that a lot!
#7: They Called Us Enemy by George Takei. I felt so educated after reading this book. It's a very impactful and powerful graphic novel. This book shows you the story during WWII you might not have heard and will teach you many things on the way.
#8: Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. This book has won the Goodreads Award for best Science Fiction this year and that was deserved! The way this book was told; with flashbacks and you as a reader getting shrapnels of information was really great. I also LOVED the humor. And if you also loved this book; Fist my bump!
#9: Mother May I by Joshilyn Jackson. Another book with an amazing ending, in my opinion. It's a really dark book with a lot of tension. I'm also fan of books that play with the truth. This book leaves open spots for your own interpretation!
#10: The Paladin by Petra Landon. I've been a Petra Landon fan since day one and I feel like every fantasy love should read this series! This book was amazing and I remember reading it during my summer vacation. I just couldn't put it away. After this book I'm really excited for the next one!
Thank you for reading!
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This is a great list, Esther! I really want to read They Called Us Enemy. My husband got a copy as a gift awhile ago and you reminded me I need to borrow it from him. :-) I hope you have a great reading year in 2022!