Started reading: December 10th 2021
Finished the book: January 15h 2022
Pages: 341
Genres: Fictoin, Dystopian
Published: May 18th 2017
Source: Paperlovers
Goodreads score: 3.79
My score:
In The Power the world is a recognisable place: there's a rich Nigerian kid who lounges around the family pool; a foster girl whose religious parents hide their true nature; a local American politician; a tough London girl from a tricky family. But something vital has changed, causing their lives to converge with devastating effect. Teenage girls now have immense physical power - they can cause agonising pain and even death. And, with this small twist of nature, the world changes utterly.
This extraordinary novel by Naomi Alderman, a Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year and Granta Best of British writer, is not only a gripping story of how the world would change if power was in the hands of women but also exposes, with breath-taking daring, our contemporary world.
This extraordinary novel by Naomi Alderman, a Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year and Granta Best of British writer, is not only a gripping story of how the world would change if power was in the hands of women but also exposes, with breath-taking daring, our contemporary world.
My thoughts
Thanks to Arjen for reading this book together with me! This was such a fun read. What would happen if women had special powers and would take over the world?
This book proves what power does to people, no matter if they're male or female.
I received this book years ago in a book-box and I've been curious ever since. If you're a fan of dystopian books or curious what the world would look like with women taking over; read this book!
- POVs: I do feel like I'm that person that loves different POVs. I can also enjoy a book that's written from one point of view, but if it's done in the right way, different POVS is so much fun, too! I loved how every POV has a very clear voice and you'll never mistake about who you're reading. The POVs in this book come together really nice and in a really smart way. It's something I enjoy when I read a book with different points of view; How they will meet or come together.
- Writing style: The writing style in this book was so easy to get into! I was easily reading 50 pages at a time and I was rushing through. It's a really important feature in a book for me since I'm Dutch and sometimes the language or choice of words makes it hard for me to read in English.
- Drawings: I feel like this added a different and extra layer to the book. After every big chapter you have a drawing or illustration about some archeological find that gives you more information and insight. Really fun!
- Letters: I found the letters at the frond and the back of the book really confusing. I have to be honest, I skimmed over them because I did not see what the added value was for this book. I only got it at the final sentence and I didn't feel like reading the letters all over again. I would've loved for that final sentence to be first so I knew the meaning behind the letters.
A great dystopian book with amazing characters. You'll get to love them, get to be scared with them and feel bad for them. This was such an amazing book that takes place over 10 years time. It's a very smart book. Women get more power little by little and oh so slowly things get worse and worse...
Other opinions on this book
"Captivating, fierce and unsettling. I was riveted by every page. Alderman's prose is immersive and, well, electric."
- New York Times Book Review
"A page-turning thriller and timely exploration of gender roles, censorship and repressive political regimes. The Power is a must-read for today's times."
- Lauren Bufferd, BookPage
Memorable quotes from this book
"One of them says, 'Why did they do it?'
And the other answers, 'Because they could.'
That is the only answer there ever is."
Thanks for reading!
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