
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Booktag: Unhaul #6

It's been waaaaaaaay too long since I did an unhaul. Since I keep adding books to my TBR, but never remove any, I decided to do another unhaul.
My TBR is so big, that it sometimes scares me. I decided to visit my own Goodreads shelves and to TRY and unhaul 10 books.

Please feel free to participate and unhaul some of your books. I'd love to know what books you decided to unhaul!

Sanctum by Sarah Fine
I decided to keep this book first... Why would I see a reason to let this book go? It gets good GR scores, the synopsis is kinda good, my friends all like it. The series isn't too long, the book isn't too long and all 3 books get good scores.
It's just that it feels like just another Ya Fantasy in a HUGE sea of YA Fantasy. I feel like something in the synopsis should really stand out to me, and it doesn't to be honest.
Keep or Go?

Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Read the above. EXACTLY the same goes for this book.
Keep or Go?

Cracked by Eliza Crewe
I could insert the same for this third book, BUT... This synopsis actually stuck with me. A soul-eating badass female protagonist?! I'm really curious about this book.
Keep or Go?

Shadows by Paula Weston
Ouch... This synopsis sounds way too familiar. Something bad happens in someone's life (90% of the time a female character). Then insert a guy in her life that is mysterious and then she learns all kinds of stuff about herself. This book doesn't get bad scores, gets good reviews from friends, but I'm not convinced.
Keep or Go?

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
The fact that I knew the author from this book already, says it all. I've seen nothing but good things about this series and can't wait to read it one day!
Keep or Go?

I am SO torn up about this one! My friends all are over the place, but terms like "insta-love" and "cliché" are really not doing it for me. I've seen many, many good things about this book, but scrolling through Goodreads there are a LOT of DNF's and 1-stars as well... Am I going to let this series go, finally? It's been on my shelves for ages... Let me know if you've read it and tell me what you think about my decision.
Keep or Go?

Drown by Esther Dalseno
I am a sucker for a good retelling. There are tons out there for Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland and Beauty and the Beast, but a retelling for The Little Mermaid?! Count me in! I've seen many, many good reviews for this book, and some 2-star reviews as well. I guess it's a hit or miss for readers of this book? I want to find out for myself! It's not so well known, and that's something that draws me in too. Let's go!
Keep or Go?

Gabriel and the Swallows by Esther Dalseno
This book ended up on my TBR, because loads of bloggers in the community loved this book. I'm one to trust my fellow bloggers and the synopsis grips me. This is a no-brainer!
Keep or Go?

The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine
My mind went like: ANOTHER Fantasy Retelling... This better be good. I started reading some of my friends reviews, and I can't keep this book. It's just more of the same, that's what it feels like to me. My friends did like it, but some of them did not like it at all, and I've read some quotes from the book in the reviews which make me even more sure to not read this book.
Keep or Go?

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz
Something bad happens in a girls life, insert good looking, but mysterious guy. All of a sudden she learns things about herself and we have a book. Sound familiar?...
Keep or Go?

I was able to let go 6 out of 10 books.
That leaves 832 books on my TBR.
Please let me know what you think of this unhaul.
Did I make some mistakes or do you agree?

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~ Esther