Welcome, welcome my dear readers.
Welcome to the blog.
Thank you all for the love, comments and suggestions last month, when I voiced that I'm not sure where I stand with my blog. For now I'm still here, and the format of doing 2 reviews at the same time seems to work. I also love doing Challenges and Booktags like TTT, Sunday Post and ABC Booktag.
Last two weeks were a bit harder physically for me. I had to visit a dental surgeon which left me in pain for a week and when I didn't need to take painkillers anymore I sprained my ankle. Sometimes I feel like a huge klutz!
I'm glad that I'm feeling good now. My favorite month of the year is around the corner. We actually just bought a huge Christmas tree. We can fit one, now that we have a bigger home. There are tons of fun things waiting for me in this month. Amazing nights and days with friends and family. I'm going on a trip to London this Sunday and I'm of course visiting the Harry Potter Studios. I'm also going on a trip to Dusseldorf in Germany; there is a huge Christmas Fair
Enough fun things. I'm also still loving my two jobs; At the library and babysitting. I'm doing good. Thank you all for the comments and love and for visiting my blog. You are what keeps me here.
Thanks for sticking with my blog and for reading!
Have a great month with loads of sunshine.

Did you read any of the books in this post?
I'd love to discuss books, so please share your thoughts!

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~ Esther