Since I keep adding books to my TBR, but never remove any, I decided to do another unhaul. In today's edition, some books that have been on my TBR for YEARS will be asked to leave or stay there...
My TBR is so big, that it sometimes scares me. I decided to visit my own Goodreads shelves and to TRY and unhaul 10 books.
Please feel free to participate and unhaul some of your books. I'd love to know what books you decided to unhaul!

Eat, Drink and Be Married by Eve Makis
I have no clue why this was on my TBR, because this does not sound or look appealing to me at all.
Keep or Go?

I'm Not Scared by Niccolò Ammaniti
I read the synopsis in Dutch and was gripped by it. Moved over to the English one and didn't feel like reading it at all. So weird how synopsises can be so different. I'm going off on the Dutch one and keep this one a little longer.
Keep or Go?

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards
This has been on my shelves for so long, without me ever really diving into what this book is about. It sounds like a heart-breaking story and the synopsis made me very curious.
Keep or Go?

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
This book has been loved by many people, but I'm not convinced and I feel like it's just a bit too long for a book that I'm not sure about...
Keep or Go?

A Walk in the Park by Jill Mansell
I'm not a huge Jill Mansell fan, so I don't even know why this has been on my TBR for 7+ years, lol. The synopsis doesn't make me want to read this very bad, so off you go!
Keep or Go?

The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler
I have been excited to read this book for a VERY LONG time. Sadly for me, I have to finish some series before starting a new one, so this one has to wait a bit longer.
Keep or Go?

Welcome to Temptation by Jennifer Crusie
I feel the same about this book as the Jill Mansell one. I'm just not gripped by the synopsis and I feel like this is not my kind of romance.
Keep or Go?

A Thousand Days in Venice by Marlena de Blasi
When starting this list, I was like: This has been on my TBR for so long and I'm not interested so it will probably go. But then I read the synopsis and it sounds amazing and summery and so lovely! Might save this one for the summer.
Keep or Go?

If Only It Were True by Marc Levy
This sounds like a really weird book to be honest, and the fact that it's only 177 pages doesn't make me want to pick it up either. Because it sounds like a difficult story to tell and I would want a proper book for it to be believable. Also, some of the things in the synopsis give me questions and not the good ones...
Keep or Go?

From Doon With Death by Ruth Rendell
If you start of your synopsis with "psychological suspense", "razor-sharp dialogue" and "plots that catch and hold like a noose", you have me! The book is pretty old, first published in 1964, but let's give it another try. (older books have never been my cup of tea)
Keep or Go?
I was able to let go 5 out of 10 books.
That leaves 903 books on my TBR.
Please let me know what you think of this unhaul.
Did I make some mistakes or do you agree?

I feel your pain. Recently had to make some room on my bookshelf and a few that had been on there unread had to go. Including one by John Irving which I'd bought - I don't know - 15 years or so ago 🤣. Hope you enjoy everything left on your TBR pile now. Happy holidays! Anne