Do you accept copies of books for reviews?
I have a huge list of books that I still have to read and review, so I'm very critical at the moment.
What format of books will you accept?
I prefer holding and feeling a book when I read it, so a paper book is very welcome, but I understand that printed copies are expensive to provide. I have a Kindle, so MOBI file would be best. I also accept EPUB. PDF books are only accepted for graphic novels or picture books. Audiobooks are a possibility for me as well.
What genres do you review?
Feel free to ask me for any genre. I like to be surprised. I usually don't enjoy self-help books, poetry or memoirs, but I'm not afraid to try anything new!
Can I expect a review on your blog if you accept my book?
I write a review for every book that I accept.
I write a review for every book that I accept.
Are you going to be nice in your blog if you dislike the book?
Nope. You will get my opinion if you ask for a review, and I will give you my honest opinion.
What's the best way to contact you?
You may use the page "Contact Form" here on my blog, to send me an e-mail. It's best to use the subject "Book review". You can also email me personally to:

Please add a GOODREADS LINK to your email! Emails without Goodreads links are trashed, I receive so many emails that it just takes too much time to do research myself for every book.
Do you always respond to requests, even if you're not interested?
I will respond if you provided me with information about the book, and a Goodreads link.
Are you going to write about the book somewhere else?
Yes, on Goodreads. I post my reviews on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and Amazon.
-- Updated on August 1st 2020 --